October is Respect for Life Month
In a statement to mark Respect for Life Month in 2010, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston addressed direct threats to human life and called Catholics to "constantly witness to the inestimable worth and dignity of each human life through a loving concern for the good of others."
Because we are created in the image of God, who is Love, our identity and vocation is to love for the sake of others. Pope Benedict XVI has called this "the key to [our] entire existence." In a homily during his recent visit to the United Kingdom, Pope Benedict reminded us that "our hearts can easily be hardened by selfishness, envy and pride," and that "pure and generous love is the fruit of a daily decision." Every day, he reminded us, "we have to choose to love." In our homes, schools, workplaces, and in public, if we constantly witness to the inestimable worth and dignity of each human life through a loving concern for the good of others, if we allow the dignity of every human life to guide the decisions we make as voters and public policy advocates, we can surely succeed in creating a more just and humane society.